our services

aesthetic pruning

Of all maintenance tasks, pruning is the most important aspect in a garden. We have acquired extensive pruning skills over many years and are well-versed in a wide range of styles for pruning trees and shrubs specializing in the niwaki tradition to reveal the beauty and age of plants.

design & build

What do we mean by Japanese-inspired? Because traditional Japanese architecture and environment differ greatly from ours, we adapt Japanese garden design principles to our unique local conditions. Even if your home and garden is Western-style, there are many lessons to be learned such as home and garden integration, the use of natural materials, and taking design inspiration from the beauty of our regional landscape.

Above all, we endeavor to work with the environment in which the garden will be created: the home, surrounding views, and unique features of the garden site. In this way, we create a garden that evolves from the site rather than clichés forced into it.

garden care

An established garden, which is well designed and cared for, is a wonderful experience. Maintenance is not only necessary, but a welcome opportunity to guide your garden to maturity. NIWA will gladly help maintain your garden on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. The scope of maintenance and intervals will be set up to fit your budget and convenience.

garden renovation

There are times when a mature or neglected garden warrants renewal. Homeowners and landscapers alike waste precious mature trees and shrubs because they fail to recognize these gems hidden inside the plant canopy. Assessing garden conditions and plant health determines whether a garden renovation is justifiable. NIWA has established an excellent reputation for this type of work.


Pinus sylvestris pruning

niwaki style